Writing On the Wall is the dark and heavy debut by the rock band Los Tres Motel from the hardest rocking city in the world, Gothenburg Sweden. The EP features two songs with lyrics about how a lot of us need to be taking off the blindfold.
Links to stream and download: Writings on the Wall by Los Tres Motel

Album liner notes
Produced by: Los Tres Motel
Recorded & Mixed by Dennis Holmberg at RTR Studio
Mastered by: Brian Lucey, Magic Garden Mastering
Cover photo & Design by Martin Hansson
Band photo by Helena Anund.
Released: 26th of May 2017
Catalogue Number: 5057302589783
The Los Tres Motel band:
Lars TC Anderson: Vocals & Bass
Martin Hansson: Guitars
Dennis Holmberg: Drums
Band Page: Los Tres Motel